The tar babies

Street dogs
Just imagine
Their life out in the sun
A mother and her litter
When the day is done
In amongst the corrugated iron
And cans of tar
Leaking out where babies
Where little bodies are

Three of them were caught up
In the stickiness and trapped
One was dead regrettably
Her life had cleared sapped
But three we found
And the mother and others
So we took
Them all back to the hospital
So then we all could look

“Amber” “Jaya” and “Lali”
Were smothered set in tar
They couldn’t move their bodies
So we set to work
We are
Loving always loving
Of sou little protégés
Who come in for some loving
And of course it always pays

At animAl aid unlimited
With so many angels here
Many hands make light work
Of the loving and the cheer
Using vegetable oil and soft fingers
We softened up the tar
And gradually cleaned the puppies
In our session like a spa
Massaging and cleaning, loving all the way
They were surely going to starve to death
When we found them on that day

After all the tar was gone
With Shampoo and water they
Soon became their fluffy selves
Bundles of joy at play
All back with their mother
Who we spayed and clearly she
Had only lost one of her pups
But the others she could see

Such love and scrupulosity
The honour of it all
Seeing them all playing
Together it was cool
Amazingly a happy event
Which might otherwise have been
Really very tragic
And terribly obscene.

Thanks so much to all the angels of ANIMALAID UNLIMITED

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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