Sea Turtles

We all see those films
Little turtles I mean
They dig out of the sand
And innately the scene
Is to fight their way forwards
Down to the sea
And hope they get there
After the mother has come to the beach
She must struggle upwards
She needs to reach
High enough up so her clutch
Will be sure
From the tides
And from predators
Yes more and more

Dogs,raccoons,crabs sea birds
all can
Rats snakes and dingoes
Part of the plan
Jackals and lizards and foxes
out for some fresh eggs
Just right for tea

So all of these souls have a penchant
For eggs
They can sniff out the clutches
Some use their legs
Others with sisters and brothers
slither and slide
And consume them with glee

From the other side
Let’s say the clutches are there
It’s warm and it’s damp
The time is ready
The life force each champ
Enlivened to fight its way
Upwards and out
Down the sand down the beach
Clippers going a clout

Covered in wet sand
But raring to go
With their spirit of mother
Inside them to show
They are all together
Fighting like mad
Flipping over and over
And some looking sad

Above out of their sight
The sea birds are there
Eagles and maybe other raptors
A nice tasty baby with spirit galore
Would just be the breakfast
For them to adore

So some will not reach the sea
Not in this life
They will be
Feeding the eagles
Less strife for the sea birds
Well fed on fresh turtle meat
But some will reach the sea
And out of the heat

Into the brine
Into the salt
The cream of the surf
Now they won’t halt
Their attempts to get sea borne
And scurry away
To some coral enclave
And pass the time away

But dangers exist
Other turtles around
crocodiles,laid on the ground
Of the sea all just waiting
For babies to show
Like the sharks and the orcas
Who swim too and fro

Let’s say the turtles escape all the dangers
They are in tHe sea
And now they must try
Of all the great clutches their mothers
Have laid
perhaps ten percent cent
In the end can be weighed
Up to be hatching and matching mama
And will go on to be a turtle star

Sadly a virus causing tumour May come

And then there are tHe dreaded humans
And some
Known as Aboriginies with native rights
Who will spear them in bays
In spurious fights

This is the story of the turtle brigade
Of the mothers who make the great struggle
Having laid
clutches of eggs on beaches around
Hundreds and hundreds hoping they are not found

They are not eaten but left to become
Turtles for clearly extinction for some
They now are really relevant
And we can say

That dugong and sea turtles
have had their day
Aboriginies need to take stock
and to see
Extinction is closer,
and so maybe
They must stop
their wholesale killing TODAY
Native rights don’t mean anything
Now anyway

Extinction is on the cards
turtles in shock
Dugongs extinction
the final knock is coming
And Indigenous
all around the world
must stop killing
both hurled
Into a maelstrom
of evil and pain
Or EXTINCTION never to be seen again

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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