Indian leather

The sacred cow of India
Revered by HINDU’s who
Apparently turn a blind eye
To what some others do
At HOWRAH the fake permits
Stating cows are for
Milking but they are going
To Bangladesh for sure

There the Muslim killers
The hammerers exist
Murdering these females
They Wangle they resist
It’s all about how leather
Has become the trade
The skin of the revered animal
In spirit it be laid

Barbarity personified
Those animals screams are high
They break the heart of those who hear
What is the deathly cry.
Beaten really mercilessly
A racket for sure
The torture of the long march
And the end in blood and gore

Carnage it is frightening
The immorality
Of course it’s done behind closed doors
Where the burden of guilt can’t be
In Bangladesh those killing rooms
Where the shamefaced clearly be
Producing leather from the skins
Of the female progeny.

Curing it is criminal dealing in such vile
Chemicals that soften and deodorise
It’s out there in the industry
The pollutants that they use
It’s ending in the rivers
Yes it does abuse
The environments and totally
Cancers there are high
The chromium and other shit
That builds into the sky
Heaps of the unspeakable
and all so that we can
Buy a sofa’s made of leather
And more clothes A ban
Should be placed on leather sales
On the abuse we see
Children blinded by the stench
Cheap leather you and me
Close our eyes and shut our ears
To the awful screams of woe
Preferring just to wear the filthy
Dead skins just for show.

The vegan will not ever wear
The dead skins and the fur
And all the while the human being does
He will incur

All manner of sickly and deadly diseases

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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