The peace and quiet
The solitude
The existential need
To share the undying spirit
In the countryside and feed
Off of the glorious naturalness
That abounds in all our hearts
The physical
The tangible
How the visionary imparts
So much from the surroundings
Breathing in the air
Relaxing in the sparseness
And just feeling aware
Of nature of the wild birds
Of the scurry of the breeze
Hearing the music underfoot
These moments just to seize
The countryside the fabric
Of life itself today
The episodic wisdom
The path along the way
The gentleness of morning
The variability
A mind of assimilation
Into where you love to be
Halkshill Estate in Largs
Accessed through a gate
A far cry from the peace and quiet
This much I have to state
At variance with Nature
A gang of men and hounds
And a vile air of supremacy
And some disengaging sounds
A hunt was in the offing
A total lack of discipline
Of a slovenly degree
Upheaval and dispersion
A hullabaloo
A bedlam and a shindig
All out of the blue
You could sense the wanton upset
Fear stemmed from it all
The dogs had flushed out foxes
A gathering on call
Dissipate and scatter
vaporize and die
I never heard the gunshots
But then I was told why
Lambs were being butchered
Farmers up in Arms
And foxes were the culprits
Sly And lacking charms
A Sunday in the countryside
Conforming to the code
The unwritten law of sanity
Was played out near the road
Land rovers and dogs around
An illegality
Suddenly the air was thick
With irregularity
and disorder
Untimely and untoward
Ill opened and unhappy
And, lacking accord
The unpredictability
Enchantment had become
Something completely different
She was left just feeling numb
Aggression replacing peace
And quiet
Where there really was some
Had Starkis known about all this
The assumption possibly
Why do some people feel they have
To overwhelmingly
Create a great undoing
To blot out life and be
Wiping out some members
Of a wild family
Importing fire and ferment
Ruckus and brouhaha
Strong-arm tactics
Violence and outbreaks of despair
The suffering of the innocent
The emptiness of now
The wilderness of wild souls
And a child asking me how