
I Was little
I was a senior
With a tumour on my head
It affected the way I saw things
And, what people said
People give you weird looks
Which brought on some despair
And then of course
My lifetime people
Dumped me any where

In a high kill shelter
Didn’t care for me
I know I looked ugly
And I was smelly

Love is hard to come by
When your old
and crippled by
people get embarrassed about
And they left me high and dry.

It really did my head in
My confidence was low
I thought of myself as ugly
And a nuisance which I know

Over night no home for me
Now what would I do
Someone said they would help me
A doctor would come through

ANIMAL Rescue Dogs
the name
Took me out of harm
Told me I was beautiful
Told me to be calm

I knew that I was smelly
I knew nobody cared
Look I was dumped like rubbish
My life might not be spared

My guardians didn’t want me
I was left to be
Murdered in some shelter
The rainbow bridge for me

I remember the whites of my eyes
rising everyday
I was inconsolable in every flipping way
The doctor now was telling me
I was beautiful soul
It’s true that I was smelly
But no matter now my role

Was to be looked after
And she was going to try
I would have to be very brave
It’s possible I might die

But she was going to help me.
she was going to try
She was going to remove that ghastly lump
Above my eye

It wasn’t going to be easy
But she was going to make
arrangements and then operate
And the tumour she would take

I had x rays
And for five whole hours
Was in theatre where I
Was undergoing surgery
Where Angels from the sky

Had come down from the rainbow bridge
and were making sure that I
Got through the surgery safely
With a twinkle in my eye

When I woke up and I did wake up
There was love and care
DR TINA stayed with me
All night
Her love did share

I heard her calming words to me
Max love I love you
No one had ever said that
Before to me it’s true

I was always ugly
No one ever fancied me
Friends I never had them
People just would see

Me as old and weary
A nuisance can I say
Love why would they love
An ugly blighter anyway

And when this tumour surfaced
My luck of course ran out
The shelter was my last resort
And I had all the doubt
In the world
That was until
The angels from the rainbow bridge
Yes the very same

They told some of their valued friends
About me and they found
People willing to help me live
My feet just touched the ground
The surgery was expensive
But charity and care
Somehow fell upon me
And I became Aware

How DR TINA loved me
By big eyes and my age
She was very caring
She loved me off the page

NOw of course I am naked
All my hair is gone
I am even less attractive
This world that I am upon

Views it’s souls as handsome
As youthful or as cool
When I was just an old senior
Just a poor old fool

But care and love and angels came
And I was saved today
They took my stitches
Out and a broken tooth they say

Yes I am old and weak
But someone seemingly
Found the time and money
To help me, help me be
Able to live a few more months
In happiness and light
I have to thank
the many
Who were there for me that night


About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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