Another unfortunate Staffordshire
This one in New South Wales
Living in a household
It’s was one of those sad tales
Where his guardian was an avid gardener
Who bought synthetic grass
And it’s alleged the dog
Had damaged it
And so what came to pass
Was his owner got a hammer.
and hit him on the head
Sliced his tongue with a knife
As well and left him for dead
More than ten times he was whacked
Imagine that will you
And then just let the poor dog suffer
And all this is true
Never took him to the vet
Despite the injury
And only when the police were called
Did anybody see
the real extent of suffering
But still the aggressor he
Wasn’t sent to jail for this
He was left Scott free
With some community work
And a correction order
He should be banned from keeping animals
And be given jail time
Especially since the dog was left to suffer
NEver sent to the vet to get remedial treatment
Just suffered that’s all.
Clearly knew if he took dog to vet the vet would notify the authorities
And he couldn’t have that so the poor dog suffered more pain
No there was no excuse this was terrible abuse