
Australia is teetering
The bush fires are alight
Burning across the precious land
Morning noon and night
Wildness being subjected
To the vagaries of man
To his arrogance and ignorance
And how his traits do span
The cattle and the sheep he keeps
Are suffering as well
Burning up some surviving
But being shot their hell
Really unsupported by man whose rarely kind
Profit based it must be faced
The aftermath we find

The animals burned to a crisp
Kanga’s and Koala
Goanna’s all are suffering
Fodder for the parlour
Trees were cut down long ago
Fracking underway
Adani scooping tons of coal
Let’s all look the other way
The barrier reef is crumbling
The dugong crumbling too
Native rights create the frights
It’s what happens view
The commercial prospects
Of an open market where
Natives can kill what they wish
but remain unaware

The politicians clearly
Treading water they
Hands in pockets walk around
The burned out towns and say
Shake this hand shake that hand
Smile and walk away
As everywhere is burning hot
And it’s wildness that must pay.
What will be the answer
Shooters out there soon
Lines of cars Evacuating
Under a new moon
New South Wales and Victoria
Homes just lost and gone
The outback know the suffering
Which just goes on and on

Millions of gods creatures
Lost for evermore
Just no where to hide tHese days
What was it all for
Encroaching into wild places
With their concrete and their glass
Trees felled subjugation
As WiFi comes to pass
Tech spreads it’s pollution
Everywhere we go
Tetra towers and WiFi
And Five g all on show
Miraculously carving out
The freedom of the now
Where the biosphere is at a point
Where it just cannot allow

Science to continue
The madness to go on
Hooked up to the system
Our senses all but gone
The gap between the human forms
And the animals of the wild
Cavernous and frightening
And it won’t be reconciled.

Not in my lifetime anyway

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, animals used for food, Australia and the epic journeys, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Lambs and Sheep. Bookmark the permalink.

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