Chinese cats boiled alive

Thuggery and criminality
Is everywhere
In China too it’s rampant
Imagine the despair
Of street cats thousands of them
and pet cats of course they
Are all part of a market
That for the wretched pay
The fur trade and the leather trades
In markets around the world
The cheap end where so savagely
These by products are hurled
Margins being what they are
In market stalls we see
Cats just being stolen
And boiled alive for free

It’s thuggery it’s evil
And the markets in the west
And the people who say this and that
Yes but and do invest
Money in cheap fur items
Bags and gloves and shoes
Abuse on a horrendous scale
Which no sane soul should choose
To hear the screaming cats
Boiled up the stench beyond belief
Hell is for these butchers
Who will all come to grief
But before all that these animals
The fear and adversity
Creation works its miracles
And it’s humans who we see

Supporting all this mayhem
The liars who describe
Cat fur as rabbit fur
Or faux to fool the tribe
Those who buy at cheap prices
Bargain hunters they
Are supporting all this murder
And mayhem every day
Container loads of agony
Shipped now near and far
The crippled and disabled
No matter who they are
Any cat found wandering
Is gobbled up and sent
To the boiling butchers
Who harbour the intent

Unmitigated cruelty
Irascible desire
Blustering and threatening
Headstrong into fire
The screams are heard for miles
and miles
As spirits broken we
Can feel the fear of the thousands
As clear as mud to me
The wailing howling yawling
The mews The yelps the growls
The harshness and the insidious
And many varied fouls
Then Mindlessness the insanity
Of the thugs out on the street
Moronic in the real sense
Helping the elite

The negligence and oversight
The random and Inaimed
The confused and the unmeasured
Vulgarity be blamed
indiscriminating tactless and obtuse
Buyers who have little care
Whose morals are also loose
But ignorance is basically
What this trade is about
An unconsciousness of spirit
Crass ignorance each lout
That stole these poor young animals
And the butchers who did boil
And the skinning just imagine
That just truly hellish toil

Many cats skinned still alive
And left to bleed out they
Party to the cuffs or collars
That people here can pay
On market stalls a bargain
Of torture and despair
And realise the karma
And the bad luck that is there

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, cats, CHINA food obscenity, furs and the fur industry. Bookmark the permalink.

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