A hungry Cougar approaching
A feeder station on
A ranch in Freer
was gunned down
By a lease hunter
a tear
Ran down my face precisely
When I heard the awful tale
Hunger brought the beast
Into the ranch
That’s when they nail
A victim in the America’s
A shooter who believes
He has the right
To end a life
And frantically achieves
What he sees as an honour
On what is the gifted breed
Murdered in cold blood
By the unfortunate
Hunter creed
It happened in the physical
Perhaps a stroke of luck
On a ranch in Freer Texas
and clearly it does suck
Hard at the emotions
That a wild soul has to die
Whilst searching for some
Food of all things
That which we all rely
It doesn’t make them visionaries
Just blatant uncaring fools
If they were in the cougar’s place
Hunger surely rules
The heart the soul the stomach
The need to survive
And a feeder on a ranch in Texas
It played out there live
He didn’t have to stalk the beast
There was no hunting here
No bravery just cowardly sport
Which is why a tear
Rolled out of my left eye
And finished on my chin
The heartlessness of a father
When the animal looks so thin
Not a trace of compassion
And eyes that cannot see
The beauty of its wildness
And really just how free
It was until his bullet
Stole its future and
Reduced it to a wretched corpse
Just shaking on the land
A lack of appreciation
Thank you for nothing mate
You unjustifiably
Are something I can’t rate
Scant respect for wildness
For hunger that was you
The hunter your contemptuousness
And meanness was on view
With your wife and daughter
You drove down to Muy Grande
To show off the sad Mountain Lion
Possibly unplanned
Your unconscientiousless prevailing
Your artfulness on fire
To anybody reading this
Would see it all as dire
Ignoble and unsportsmanlike
Self interest seems to me
From the snap shot on
On the media
The suffering we see
So blatantly so obviously
Was the hungry creature who
Didn’t stand an earthly
From the likes of you
Wickedness prevailing
It’s immorality
That Lion was doing you no harm
It’s sin was hunger, we
Must have regard for such a need
Not feel we have the right
To be the judge and jury
And just put out its light
And now the world has seen you
Your family by your side
Smiling for the camera
You really cannot hide
Everyone on Facebook
Who sees your ugly face
Will see the poor dead Cougar
And their hearts yes they will race
All hunters are the debt that humanity needs to see the end of