40 million years
They have walked the red earths of Australia
The wombat a marsupial
A special kind of soul
Recently a community Liason Officer
Of the police
Stoned to death a victim
Who probably came in peace
Waylon Johncocks was his name
Off duty when he saw
This critter walking up the path
Just outside his door
Supposedly Indigenous thoughts
Took over his desire
To take some rocks and kill the beast
With unbelievably ire
He didn’t cause him mischief
Angelic in a way
But this officer was frightful
He stoned him so they say
Crushed his head with rocks
And then took him inside
And ate his little body
With so much inner pride
A community Liason Officer
Well seems to me
He’s as sensitive as a rock himself
A sadistic and callous roguery
An inappropriate thing to do
It’s unjustified that is my view
No excuses none at all
He had broken a golden rule
Censure his sick arse
His irreverence where is his class
Dishonouring a wild soul who
Has as much right to do what they do
Born to be wild that’s their thing
And this officer chap what did he bring
To the equation terror and pain
Lacking all, principle so as to again
He needs a sacking he needs to be
Put in a cell for six months
And the key
Thrown in the ocean yes let him be
Thinking it through Indefinitely