
A hopeless state
An emotion date
Loneliness a loss
His life became so empty
No one cared a toss
An injury and Kalu
Basically just gave
Found a hole to lay in
Which would end up as his grave

Hours and days passed slowly
The maggots came to feed
In his emotional squalor
How could he succeed
He wanted death to capture him
Lost to the world of life
Dying under the ground he was
Living with the strife

A lost soul facing so much pain
Whining from time to time
Rescued by the angels from the street
And one did climb
Down to him and found him
Racked with utter fear
Ready to give up perhaps
It wasn’t truly clear

We rescued him and took him home
His courage was immense
His spirit overflowing
And so it did make sense
To help him overcome the drama
Clearly he had much
But his fearlessness was apparent
He just loved to have us touch

Wounded it was critical
The worst we have ever seen
His face had all been eaten away
By the maggots
He was lean
Hadn’ t eaten for weeks on end
We powdered him to kill
The maggots feeding avidly
Chewing even still

The powder killed the maggots
And we set to work to clean
His skull was clearly evident
His eyes were gone
How mean
life is
When you are on your own
And clearly he was that
But we loved him and we cared for him
Exactly where he sat

On day three gave him food
He couldn’t see us but he knew
We were giving him much love
To last his whole day through
We washed and bandaged every day
A gradually we saw
The miracle as his face grew back
Almost like before

And his eye appeared so one eye at least
He could see through once again
He really was a warrior
His suffering was insane
And now three months of healing
And he is a splendid boy
Everybody loves him
He is our pride and joy

The miracle regenerates
His handsome face is back
He lost his right eye that’s for sure
But despite all the attack
Of the maggots has his left eye
And can see and balance well
He runs about the compound
And with all of us does jell

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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