Despite our glorious stature
Our powerful constancy
Some men believe they have the upper hand
But memory
We have, and hold forever
That is what we do
And being beaten and injured
By all the so called crew
The mahouts should show respect for us
And not expect that we
Will knuckle down and just give up
With their adversity
At Chitwan National Elephant Park
It’s almost everyday
Nepal creates this evil
And all of us we pay
Every single movement
Can get a whipping hand
A stabbing knife
Such vile abuse
It’s something we can’t stand
Anarkali she’s taken many a slashing
Deserves respect all can detect
The solid injury
The festival of Nepal
The visitors who come
Who want to ride us elephants
Put their sweaty bum
Across us, human beings
Stink I have to say
The stench of evil exudes from them
And we smell it everyday
Being in a park where there’s no discipline
At all
Where anyone can ride on us
It really does appeal
Our legs and feet were never made
To do this kind of stint
And humans beings
Truthfully are so very skint
In rewarding us
With incentives for good behaviour we
Get punishment after punishment
Chastisement constantly
No judgement none at all
hammered just for breathing
Up against the wall
These kinds of parks should be closed down
Let elephants feel free
Let them remain honourable
Really that’s the key
The beatings and the patience
And why most want to die
These parks are vile and darkly
For elephants we find
Suffering is hourly
For our bodies and our mind
Mahouts who should know better
Are as arrogant as they
Unworthy to be keepers
Chained up and made to pay
And once day we all snap we do
Like Tyke did snapped and broke
Gunned down in a hail of steel
Yes the final choke