Wherever we are born alas
Life’s terrible for we
Are actually unwanted
The world does so agree
You humans think
You are ungulates
Cud chewers
So you think
You can sup on udders
Our milk you want to drink
The dairy is an industry
That really truly knows
How to lie for years on end
And the evil it just grows
You make your cream and custard
Your cheeses and your whey
Welsh rarebit for your breakfast
And it’s us calves that pay
In CHINA it is even worse
Rather than the slaughter house
They burn us whilst we are standing
Tied outside their house
Burning off layers of skin
The pain unbearable, I feel
Then someone comes to scrape away
The sore flesh to reveal
It’s said by your sick humans
That adversity improves
The flavour of our muscle meat
And all the scraping grooves
Allow the blood to drain away
And taste and aroma then
Builds in well that’s the excuse
From these butcher men.
Suffering is common placeIn England
it is too
Calves go off to the slaughterhouse
Week old or maybe two
Tiny little babies dreaming of a life
The green grass and the daisies
But all they get is strife
Some are shot up on the farm
Some are chained and fed
On milky slops until they are killed
For veal when they are dead
Their flesh is white and creamy
Their suffering was huge
A tiny cage chain burns around their neck
In their refuge.
And now you se me suffering
Nobody to care
Nobody to love me
I am standing there
Watched by many human eyes
As I slowly die
Yes I made it onto Facebook
I am a famous guy
I hope that you who call yourselves
Carnivores will see
The agony that was my life
And surely you will be
More caring be a vegan
And work to make it so
That butcher men and carnivores
Change tack
And numbers grow
Go vegan don’t wear fur or leather
Don’t eat meat boycott the Meat trade
And the really cruel DAIRY TRADE