
A leash around his straggly neck
And on the pavement he
Waiting for old death to come
His sickle swinging free
Obviously abandoned
A puppy in distress
Suffering the vagaries
Of climate, so much stress
Piled upon young shoulders
Some human being had
Just dumped the puppy on it’s own
Is there anything more sad
The poor soul it was starving
It’s bones were in full view
It’s coat was full of
Demodectic mange
What could we do
Fortunately an angel
There are some thanks for she
Scooped him up
And took him off to the veterinary

He was terribly underweight
Hadn’t ate for days
Clearly Dehydrated too
In his final phase
Physically and mentally
As low as one can be
“Potchie” really in so much pain and angst
And Adversity
Was his to own and his alone
His suffering immense.
Almost everything that could go wrong
Had gone wrong it made no sense
A baby left to die out on the streets
A terrible act
Hardly human such neglect
But That folks was a fact

His ears were both infected
As were his eyes as well
One of his legs a cracked bone
The mange is straight from hell
And he had it all over
The itch and agony
Must have driven him up the wall
I know it would for me

Anaemia was prevalent
And so first we must clean
Exfoliate and wash his skin
His poor body so lean
Bones just poking through the skin
A skeleton on legs
We massaged him we cuddled him
The more I see
It begs
The question, about people
Who neglect our animals friends
One look at this joyful soul
That’s where my allegiance ends

Human being sicken me
They use their big gobs well
But when they mistreat the animals
I wish them only hell
And lots of boiling water
For honestly to me
They are the vilest sickest
Folk that really could ever be

To abandon baby animals
It’s mother not in sight
The fear that puppy suffered
How can that be right
We spoke to him and loved him
Assured that he’d be
Safe and sound forever
With an end to purgatory.

Weeks and weeks of treatments
Acupuncture Too
Physio each morning
Holistic healing through
Every waking hour in fact
And gradually he became
Stronger and much healthier
And he enjoyed a game
Walking we had practiced
For hours on end and he
Gradually got the hang of it
And began to walk and be
Confident to try it more
And With harness help we saw
All his legs got stronger
Though clearly he was sore

He is now 12 months old
His hairs grown back
And all is well
His confidence has risen
He is with me
And this spell
Has been a wonderful happening
Watching him really grow
Into a beautiful CHOW CHOW
With tall tale crimson glow

When we found him
He was close to death
And now he is right as rain
Bounces around the yard today
Love has helped him gain
Confidence and willingness
To be our joyful friend
And hopefully we can be together
Until the very end.

Which is forever

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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