The innocence of babies
Of little calves who find
Themselves within an auction
It enough to blow the mind
Loads of laughing farming types
Cavorting gleefully
And you a little frightened calf
Waiting harmlessly
The calling out of figures
The prodding all the time
Confused and clearly frightened
Wide eyed and no rhyme
Or reason really
That a baby such as thou
Should be standing in an auction ring
On line sales and how
Misunderstood and blameless
What have these babies done
To have to go through all of this
And listen to the ton
Of people making bids for them
Up to a thousand quid
That says it all it’s down to veal
The meat trade lifts the lid
Off the livestock market
Dealing in lovely souls
Iniquity is present
Degeneracy takes roles
Above and beyond the wildness
Of nature that we see
The unworthiness of selling
And the inhumanity.