Detritus haunts the beaches
The oceans and the seas
From shopping trolleys to
Plastic dollies
The world at large agrees
The wide expanse of heaven and
Suitably exacerbates
The Albatross is at a loss
For within her soul she recreates
A body full of plastic
Bottle caps and hooks
In amongst the feathers
One can see it if one looks
We all can face the consequence
Of littering each day
We kill now without thinking
Or we look the other way

We are all polluters
Each and every one
We sail out in the sunset
When the day is done
The live birds they are gazing
At the surf the waves the sky
But Death looks wholly ghastly
In the closing of an eye
Feathers dance and blow around
Torn from bodies they
The Albatross it’s wing span
The order of display
Katabatic drifters
Soar into the sky
Waving wings of wildness
As the sailor boys do lie

Mirrored on the surface
A version so complete
Their silence is our promise
And our plastic not discreet
of course we feed the ocean
Plastic particles galore
Nets, restraints and chemicals
And weaponry of war
Unafraid these wondrous birds
Who trust our every gaze
We toss our vilest decadence
It’s just another phase
Of being wholly trusting
Behold each Fairy Tern
One egg laid upon a branch
And a chick shows it’s concern
Fluffy white and timid
Awaiting its mama
She will feed him minnows
For To him she is his star

Wildness is our saviour
A solace we involve
All the secrets are in sound
And listening we solve
The obvious the plastic
The obnoxiousness of oil
The raucous choirs of the Albatros
Whose wings do surely toil
Who fly above in gliding forms
A symphony in flight
Plastic it’s now everywhere
It’s rotting in our shite
It’s poisoning digestion’s
All around the world
But a mother does not give
A toss
Because she is an Albatross
Out of the nest a foreign thing
This indeed is how we bring

Reality into the light
A familiar thought
However slight
Not hard wired to accept the fate
Of the Albatross chick
And it’s present state
Plastic complicates it all
With tides we watch it
Sink and fall
The natural world
And where we are hurled
Sink or swim
It’s all down to him

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, birds and the environment, Environmental Poems, OCEANS And water courses, Plastics, Plastics single use. Bookmark the permalink.

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