The call was to a shrubbery
Dense with flowers all green
And lying there a tan and white
Bitch so very lean
Clearly badly wounded
A head injury
Possibly a brain problem
That’s what it’s seemed to be
We wrapped her in a towel
And brought her home
Where she could be
Cared for by our lovely team
Of angels constantly
Her eyes were open
But movement was hardly there at all
Total disorientation
Her uncertainty
Did call
Forth in us Brain damage
That rationality
We decided we would
Clean her up
and dress the wound and see
She couldn’t stand
She crumpled, her legs
Splayed everywhere
We had no idea what had Happened
But she now needed our care
Supportive rest was needed
Comfort all the way
Fed her very quietly
Day five to her did say
Removed all of the dressings
Cleaned the wound again
She was a little stronger
But clearly in some pain
Maybe she was wavering
Uncertain of our care
Questioning what happened
We remained aware
By day 15
She was stronger
Really a different feel
Our faith had been rewarded
For the Rest it did reveal
A more responsive lady
More credible let’s say
More accepting of our presence
Tail wagging away
Amenable and happy
That’s Muriel today
Two months or so had passed
And the joy is back
Her play
is constant
And her balance
She’s inventive
And, she likes to run
And Is playing with the others now
Out there in the sun
she is gentle
And incisive
Loves being picked up
And she
We think is back to her
Own sweet self
Steeped in harmony.