
His father was a wild born orca
His Mother So was, she
His fathers sperm was frozen
That’s how it he came to be
artificiality is everywhere
They talk up education
And overlook despair

Makani SAN Diego
A chlorinated tank
Frozen fish and lifeless water
Big bucks in the bank
That is Seaworlds objective
Out of life one has to say
The cetaceans forgo everything
Every single day
KShamenk was his father
A wild one his aggression
Paramount in many ways
There has been a procession
Of incidents and why not
A wild orca shouldn’t ever be
Tanked up on the chlorine
In the salty sea

He will have travelled hundreds
Of miles in all, poor soul
He is languishing in South America
And his seemly role
To have his vital taken
To impregnate other calves
This is SEA WORLDS larceny
They do nothing by halves

When he was born
Tail first he came
Ready to swim away
Ready to go and join his parents
So he thought that day
On Valentine’s Day six years ago
Imagining the thought
Of sailing through the oceans
Instead of course was caught

Up in Sea Worlds madness
Tricks and games and stuff
The chlorinated bath tub trick
Their loud music club
The many lies that SEAWORLD tells
It’s bedlam to be here
And the drugged up frozen fish
They Toss as payment it is clear

It’s lifeless tasteless rotten
No hunting ability
No social reactions
And we are the nobility
Treated like the Human staff with contempt
We are much more capable
As most would now agree

This day at Thomas Cook we
The boycotts probably
didn’t help the situation
With packages on the sea
We told them many many times
Give SEAWORLD a miss
And so Karma works in the weirdest ways
Where nothing’s ever bliss

Written for hot poppy she inspired me today
As she always does.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Aquaria or watery zoo, Captivity, Orca's and Dolphins. Bookmark the permalink.

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