ALban Elfed

The light of the water
Splash and tumble
Out of grey skies thermal
The second harvest’s
True abundance
The wheel of life
Ofcourse did spin

Equal days and nights upon us
Feast of gathering
Earthly fruits
Reap and heap and accumulate
Retain replenish
And proliferate

The fields all stripped
Of wheat and corn
Of Rye and Barley’s shimmering gaze
Demeter goes underground to the
Underworld and her heavenly phase

Loaves of sough dough laced with
Ale and cyder Rough and strong
The bounty all festooned with Sugars
The vine and soon the ivy’s song
Light the candle red and scented
Draped with Ivy and with musk
The trees still laden with their leaves
Dancing as the coming dusk

Light be fading Autumn’s aiding
Cooler times and winters blast
A resurrection and reflection
The soul all seeing and is cast
The Missel Thrush we may encounter
On the ivy’s berries she
Loves the blackness and the sweetness
Appreciated by the Bee

The second harvest before the frost
The sweeter gift forever tossed
Apples feeling from jack’s kisses
Though several probably will be lost
Torn off boughs by wind and hail
To bruise and come to rest below
Perhaps the slugs and snail if present
Will share what is the wintry glow.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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