
An innocent wee fellow
A puppy dog was he
TINKER is what we called him
Unfallen and saintly
He was so inoffensive
But looked sad and forlorn
Both his eyes infected
And he had not been born
Very long so darkness
Was really all he could see
The sunlight and the sky above
Just a mystery
Clouds of flies were all around him
Maggots crawling from his eyes
Chewing all his skin and Organs
We did realise
The agony and torment
The suffering the pain
And took him to the hospital
In the hope he would see again.

Ladies clad in sari’s tended
To his need
Loved him as their baby
Hoped he would succeed
Washed him, cleansed him
Gave him all the love
On earth each day
And in six days he was
Seeing he was being
There in play

Clearly he was owed a life
A baby in distress
He had been so neglected
And his life was just a mess
But now all seeing TINDER
Could run around and play
And sought the milk of subjugates
He met along the way

At animal aid unlimited
Many victims do
Stay within the confines
Their paradise come true
Until they find a forever home
So Tinker was able to
Get some good nutrition
To help him well get through.

And of course became a favourite
A sprightly little lad
Always running back and forth
And very far from sad
Joyful and was spreading
Joy around the place
He was a little tinker
With a really pretty face

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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