The certainty was “Berry”
Had been knocked down by a car
And dragged along the road
A hit and run
Who knows how far
There he was amongst the rubbish
Tins and crap and everything
A baby really in many ways
With the innocence that that does bring
Someone did this awful thing
Left him bleeding by the road
All sorts of wounds a right old state
Carrying this extra load
Suffering out in the sun
Nothing to eat or drink
No fun
At all, hopeful it appeared
But sadly all around he feared
Shock and awe had settled in
Wounds infected and his skin
Torn and ruined just everywhere
Suffering some real despair
We picked him up
And brought him in
The hospital and did begin
His examination took a while
Dehydrated off the dial
So many wounds maggots too
And very very frail it’s true
We cleaned him up and dressed his wounds
Gave him fluids everyone
Watched him settle
Clearly he
Was suffering out in the sun
Calves have feelings
And they are deep set
Very responsive
They will let
Their feelings be known
When we proceed
To comfort them
Oh yes indeed
Calves are curious
They want to know
What’s going on
And, they show
More understanding
In many ways
Than a cat or dog
It really pays
To observe their watchfulness
And intent
They love to play
It’s seems they were meant
Out in the yard “Berry” was king
In his own world he seemed to bring
An urgency a bouncing gait
He would play fight at a rate
His healing clearly in good
And he kept himself well fed
In A lifetime sanctuary he be
A sand boy really he is key
To the joy one feels when remembering
He came from and could have
Still been there
But for the angels
Of Rajasthan
ANIMALAID unlimited won
The hearts and minds.around the world
With the love and care
That they unfurled