Amber eyes
Of the wondrous wise
And realise
Their worth
Attested and well grounded
A Prince on Mother Earth
An Apex predator
Able to endure
Palpable and weighty
With a heart thats good and pure
Often sadly slaughtered
By the unenlightened breed
The cattle trading farmers
Who The world just doesn’t need
The wolf
has an identity
The real thing
One might say
Part of a social order
More incomparable
Each day
Those eyes
Are so expressive
His supremacy one feels
His eminence and boldness
Really he reveals
An excellence in many ways
He has that power to be
All things in his order
Connected naturally
An integrity
Of movement
His wildness is his strength
For the pack and for his family
He will go to any length
He is a clever hunter
His judgement is on fire
A boundlessness before him
A being that is higher
Than many of his victims
Who fail to understand
Farmers treat him as a vagrant
But he is clearly grand
an iron nerve
And a turn of speed
To improve his destiny
Able and efficient
With vigour and with drive
It’s a shame a bullet from afar
And he will not survive
Hunters are unfit to rule
They invalidate their role
Behind a gun they are power itself
Reality proves their soul
Is vulnerable to influence
The dominant prevail
The wolf he really carries weight
And rarely does he fail