In spectacular environments
Snowy peaks and blue
Skies and really great terrain
Everywhere is true
To Nature to our Mother
And to her wondrous power
Creating and designing
Wildness by the hour
The valleys and the canyons.
the ridges the rolling hills
The slopes no matter where you go
It just gives you the chills
To see a bunch of horses
Their freedom by design
Living where the great hand placed them
It’s just a wondrous sign
It’s hard to to take your eyes of them
Their existence is that gift
Galloping in free expression
Those who get the drift
Of what is unique and wonderful
In actuality
They are the sum and substance
Of our immortality
You can feel their constitution
Their spirit and their mood
A smorgasbord of colouring
They are of one accord
Faithful to each other
Great friends so to say
They rise above all others
Supreme in every way
Wild Horses of America
And The BLM both try
Their arrogant response
Is to manage them but why
Injecting Mares with PZP
It’s a sadness in a way
Human beings think they know
The answers but to pay
Respects would be far better
To be kind in every way
To enjoy the gift and the majesty
And do that every day
The Mustangs and the Burro’s
Each and everyone
Has merit it is beautiful
Underneath the sun