Summer solstice

Perched upon a chalky plain
A Neolithic burial site
Far off shadows emanate
Skyscape wildly offering
Closer to the longest day
When sunlight infiltrates the soul
Robed and gazing
Probled and raising
Consciousness and spells of ardour
The light in life
Seemingly harder
Brightens heightens and enlightens
We who stand here
Perhaps it frightens
Those who fear
The solstice stilling
The goddess willing
In between worlds
In between times
Midsummer magic
In Between rhymes

We come together
The Cotswold family
Where once coniferous woodland
Held up its rare plants
To the sky
The ladies bedstraw
As jackdaws fly
The mining bee
The rabbits too
Grave marker bluestones
Good and true

We band of sisters and brothers
Sink in the sod with our constancy
With ancestral thoughts
And due respect
Moved by the aura
That some detect
In these burial vaults
Where ancestors lie
Purposefully staring
Into the sky
Part of what makes us all feel free
In this celestical observatory

This funerary monument’s mystic powers
Revealing the healing
Concealing the hours
The curative properties
Of the stones
Accoustic reverberates
Through our bones
Feel the clamour feal the heat
Breathe aloud dont be discreet
Suck in the air and the history too
When you are in Stonehenge
Its what you do

We are the druids
History calls
Lateral thinking
Maybe it schools
Many a thought
To magic away
The deliberation
On this great day
The sun entered cancer
Insular we
Think of our families
Our homes now that be
Safe and secure
Be honest
Be true
Be ourselves
for the message it sends
We need to respect more
And yes we need friends

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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