Mother Nature Does have
All the answers
Despite man she is a worthy
Parent who
Watches what we do and how we
Ruin all her hardwork
But still she does have
Ideas that go through
Take polyurethane
Plastic what has fast become
A vile
Waste product thats clogging
Up our lives its off the dial
Our oceans are now jam packed
With the flotsam
And jetsum great whole areas
Are dead
Human beings being totally stupid
And all this waste
Really it has led
Us all a merry dance
Through the enviroments
Many species dying in the sea
Landfills full to brimming
Because of Plastic
And now A fungi
Must have heard our plea
Pestaloptiopsis microspora
Originally on ivy
And oyster mushrooms
Enjoy the taste
Digesting all the plastic
In a month or two
That is what the fungi here
Can do
In the case of the Oyster
It is edible
And after its digestion not a piece
Of plastic can be found at all
You see its Mother Nature
She has the power to conduct our release
From the arrogance and ignorance
Man offers
On quantities and then his failure to
Understand the meaning
Of life and all its failings
And offer something organic
That will do