Mindless houses of death

Tastelessness and coarseness
Mindful meats they call
A place of such destruction
The need to overhaul
Exactly what they do there
What is obscenity
The slaughter of young veal calves
And their mothers tragically

Here in Sonoma County
Where the sun shines every day
Where carnivores they do appease
By just trying to say
That what goes on behind closed doors
Is excessive and is cruel
Barbaric and uncivilized
And really gives me fuel

That burns into my heart itself
The tactlessness that be
Abusing not just the animals
But those of us who see
The words up on the outside wall
Making out inside
All thats done is beautiful
How HELL is denied

Its preposterous behaviour
Trying to make out
That murdering sweet animals
Leaves nobody in any doubt
That doing it commercially
Is a monstrous thing to do
And making out it is wonderful
Is hopeless and untrue

The Meat Trade is the murder trade
Where killers do reside
Animals forced to knuckle down
As slaughterman provide
Death in all its horror
Formidable and wrong
Gruesome and intimidating
Which doesnt belong

Anywhere thats mindful
Mindless certainly
Seeing a man with a sledgehammer
And a female cow who be
Waiting her convictions
Waiting for the crash
The insouciance of the murderer
Doesnt he feel flash

His irreverence his dishonour
What is a burning shame
Despicable behaviour
And to think this company claim
Mindfulness apparent
Some nobility
A better reputation
Inverted snobbery

It sickens me to see this
The cow awaiting death
She knows her life is over
She will fight for breath
There will be no climb down
Only a crushing retort
The slaughterhouse of
Blood and guts
Where no one gives a thought

For anything remarkable
She will be upstaged
By the low life whose plug ugly
Probably he is waged
Earning just a pittance
Doing the dirty deeds
Of the corporatocracy
Whose management succeeds

Its up to us to realise
The vegan dietary call
To stop theseg evil goings on
To really overule
The obscene and filthy practices
Of murder in plain sight
Of flagrancy and heinousness
The abomination blight

All slaughterhouses should be
A thing of the past

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls. Bookmark the permalink.

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