Oft in the woods
Your clutches trip
Cut into shin
The violent whip
A searing tear
A painful treat
Your brambled heart
Hardly discreet
Such a pursuit
Did follow suit
Its rambling thorns
Did once exclaim
And Tusser knew
Who we should blame
The country lanes
Knew the belief
The hedgeroes
There brought
Some, some grief
Autumns leaves
An artists soul
Variegated brimstones role
Caramel toffee mahogany
Cadmium orange
Where seldom we
Realise the amethyst
Mottled and dappled
And lost in the mist
Of time
Long flowering wouldst she
And abundance too
Green to red
And black all through
Strong hooked prickles
For those who come
To pick the fruit
And to eat some
Remember the spiders
That sample too
And build their webs
Where spiders do
The astrigent green
The fruitiest black
Sweet and wholesome
Though all attack
The hand that plucks
The skin that ply’s
And causes a teardrop
From one’s eyes
Up our walls across the earth
The scale of growth
Is of such worth
Monopoly yes it will try
To really and honestly
Hundreds of pounds
Of fruit will be
What is our lasting reverie.