Abandoned we’ve been just that
Loaded on a truck
Coming down from Scotland
Its cold it just does suck!
Profit thats the keyword
The farmer didnt say
Goodbye he just closed up the doors
And left, yesterday
And we are on our own ofcourse
Rumbling along
I feel rather sick
The motion gets to me
Its wrong
But the we are live exports
Profitable you see
On our way to Ransgate
And then a across the sea
To calais then to southern Spain
Where we end up as Veal
Unweaned babies full of fear
It is the real deal
Ofcourse we should be thankful
And grateful for the chance
To be tortured and be beaten
On our way to France
No one has compunction
Or compassion anymore
We’re treated just like cargo
Thrown around in store
Our lives are just long suffering
The consolation here
Is now at least we are moving
That much now is clear
Thrown about and bruised a bit
No food or water here
No where to really take a shit
Which isnt about to cheer
Any of us actually
There is nothing worse than being
All cramped up like animals
Who really are all seeing
At Ramsgate we do have our friends
The protectors and they do
Give us water sometimes
And, we hear them too
Clearly they are angels
We do appreciate
Their love and their commitment
When we have to wait
The crossing is uncomfortable
I personally feel unwell
But nobody on here cares much
And so if we feel like hell
We have to feel it by ourselves
Just knuckle down and try
To last the voyage out if we can
Though sadly some do die
And they will get chucked overboard
Into the raging brine
To get eaten by the seagulls
Where the sun dont shine