The finest milk from disabled cows
Clearly in lots of pain
Standing in their own feces
What can be the gain?
Pissing on one another
Hooves clogged up with poo
An Israeli farm
The gloom and darkness
Providing No clue
The femakes all experiencing
Neglect and the scourge we see
Distress maligned they obviously were
Under whose authority
So much for kosher kindness
A slackness tragically
A breakdown of laws and decency
That Their enslavement be
You could see their inner feelings
by all that frantic smell
So many fly blown maggots
This indeeed was hell
On weeping limbs
And swollen joints
And red and tearful eyes
Each plea
Brought so much unresponsiveness
And a stream of misery
And this a communal village
A shitufi so to say
Literally called “waves meadow”
And the animals how they pay
In this place close
To the city
Of Ashdod so we hear
The heartache and the longing
And The torment and the fear
What of Kasruth I ask myself
All the so called laws
And seeing what I am seeing here
Will not get my applause
Israel be sorry
For the wretchedness we see
For the trials and tribulation
For what is purgatory
Victimized and sacrificed
And beaten every day
Enduing kosher harassment
And a really lax display
Via Mercy for animals