It wasn’t’ just hearts beating
Drums beating we
Witnessed the marchers
In PRESTON’s plea
To anyone listening
Wholesness is power
PNR3 unity
They showed us how
Slowly the march
Took the many along
Drumming and chanting
And singing their song
Joyful triumphant
Ready to be
Undivided and ready
Obligated and free
There were flags
Lots of banners
“Not here anywhere”
That was their message
Yes loud snd clear
No dear Claire Perry
No circus not here
They are all locals
That much is clear
All shapes and sizes
All ages too
Lancashire people
Hearty and true
Marching together
Spreading the word
Wheelchairs and bicycles
All appeared heard
As the Young and the old
Perhaps sack the judge
It was grey it was cold
But that didnt deter them
The authorship shared
A primordial spirit
Where everyone cared
You could feel the stability
Clearly a force
Cuadrilla’s confidence
Maybe off course
For here with some vigour
A resistance so free
The people were marching
For the PNR3
Tucked up in their cells
With a passage of time
From a court and a judge
Whilst the darkness and grime
The accumulation
Of frack water there
The pad and the methane
The coming despair
A new kind of energy
The people say
They march and their steps
Grow sharper today
Clearly their potency
Their backbone and all
A great intensity
Felt and the call
The enthusiasm
It was on par
Preston new road
Seen from afar
They pooled their resources
Their alliance of minds
A collaboration
That just slowly grinds
Forward unflinchingly
Ready to be
Taking on frackers
With a real synergy
Dedicated groups of people from all over the place joined together today
To march in solidarity for the PNR3 and for all the peaceful protectors
Looking to protect environments water and air.
The fracking industry think they have it made the protectors think otherwise
Went to the prison and made themselves heard which hopefully raised their spirits inside