Vine and ivy and the Autumn Equinox

The time be right
for grapes and vine
Equal day and night
A sign
Of prophecy
and of truthfulness
Of intoxication
More or less

Bacchus he a deity
God of the grape and of the tree
The great green man
Leaves covering o’er
His face of ivy and grape
And more

Farmers would Offer prayer
So he
Could protect their orchards
And seemingly
It was he who created
The farmers plow
Herne the hunter
The Oak King now

Cernunnos and
John Barley Corn
Puck of midsummer
And jack in the green
And Robin Hood
Of the Nottingham scene

The green man in his hidey hole
Taking up his unique role
Vitis vine, wind pollinated
Hermaphrodited flowers Created
Magickal workings through out September
With garden magic to remember

Inward journeys
Life and learning
As the great wheel
Keeps on turning
A week to go
And ivy will
continue on
To begin to spill

Its flowers and honey
And its fruit
To be an attraction
Which Does suit
Perhaps a red admiral
And insects galore
the lowly midge
She may explore

Some of the berries
Smooth to touch
The size of a pea
Globose so much
Possessing in essence, vitality
If the wood is cut
It may still be
Able to climb and successfully

An inner resource
And ability
To see through the eye of the soul
And be
A banquet of sweetness
A lovely profusion
Its role
Abundant strong roots
And a fusion

Veiled by the moon
Food for the birds
The wood pigeon missel thrush
the black caps
Whose words
Can ever describe
This peculiar time
Than Ivy to honour
The poets fine rhyme

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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