The final moments

Prancing in his pink and black
Beaded squandering lavishness
A torturer and a murderer
Of Bulls a grubby mean
Vile stress
A bull thats sufferred terribly
At the hands of the cuadrilla men
A mob of villains at their worst
Perhaps as many as nine or ten

Each has knifed and stabbed this soul
No sympathy only one goal
To make this animal realize
That this day it is its sad demise
Each of these rogues these insensitives
Show no concern at all
Their callous brazen shamlessness
Apparently on call

Its suffering we witness.
the anguish and the pain
This spectacle of madness
Could only be seen in Spain
A European disaster zone
Such squalor day and night
BULL murdering their special trait
Which can never be right

The suffering you can feel it
Every sinew taut and sore
All those knives thrust in its back
Until it is red raw
Blood oozing still refusing
To close its eyes and die
VictimIzed and trodden down
And now alas does lie

Waiting for the final moment
When its bold heart stops
Its head by this time heavy
It perilously flops
Crushed and terribly woeful
In a state of agony
As this idiot so called fighter
Takes his knife and stabbingly
Works the blade into its head
Despairing and mortified
You can feel the wincing ugliness
This being the last ride
Flinching writhing wincing
And still he twists the blade
Digging into the great bulls brain
Helping him to fade
Away to join his ancestors
To the rainbow bridge where he
Its very hard to watch this
A matador who be
Maddening a dying bull
In a deplorably vile way
Stabbing and stabbing and stabbing
The trauma of the day

This evil nasty arse hole
This disgusting little creep
What a windup merchant
I beg that should he sleep
Tonight the demons come for him
And pierce him through the heart
With a needle forcing him to feel
His life as it does part
Company with his body
This hideously violent man
Frighteningly odious
He needs that lifetime ban

Tastelessness personified
Cruelty galore
A philistine whose bollocks
Needs to be cut off
It was war
He displayed against that
Bull today
Coarse vulgarity
Such repugnancef
For nobility
His contempibility

Its so hard to not be angry.
at the evil that one sees
He a paid assassin
Much too high his fees
All Need to be taken away
For today was the last straw
Such balefulness such hatred
That I have seldom seen before

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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