Farmers clearly are basically
out for what they can get
They are killing animals
All the time tgey just appear set
On kangaroos
The wild iconic kangaroo of old
Trying to get a sense
Of leaving the tags off
Kanga gold
Cattle sheep and goats
Is not enough for them
They want to take wild animals as well
manage them
And get them on their balance sheets
AUstralia is clearly
The new hell
Kerribee a station
Out in Queensland
46,000 hectares
And he still wants more
Greed and blooming arrogance
Thats the current ticket
And the government
Had better know for sure
Calling them a wasted reaource
A resource for who
For him and all the other killers
What they want to do
Is commwrcialize the kanga
Export them to vietnam
Already they are up in arms
Which to me is one big sham
They are the si called wizards
Live exports was their thing
He can talk,
the carnage
On those ships
And now to bring
Up the precious kangaroo
And manage them instead
Boosting the farmers profit
We have to put to bed
All this talk of profit
Of increasing the kanga kill
Talking about great plagues of mice
Proportions he says chill
And hoping to get the government
To tick his boxes and
Get more bodies on his trucks
And off the precious land.
Mangaroos are a soecial case
They have been around for years
Long before the farmers
With their moans and groans and tears
Hand outs always handouts
With the four by fours and more
And now they want to kill the coat of arms
And a lot more
So niw we have got to stand firm
And say to farmers you
Cant even Manage the animals
You have got
Which is quite true
Leave the kangaroos alone
If you lot get your way
They will be dosed up with chemicals
More and more each day
Kangaroos are a resource
Tourists come to see
They are totemic animals
Respected actually
They cannot be subjected
To the natural sapping ways
Of profit before anything
As long as it pays