Thats just it
Our Anne isn’t happy
Stuck in longleat on her own
Breathing in all of the cadmium crap
And the diesel no doubt
Its been shown
Those with big trunks they can feel it
And being alone
Brings the doubt
Longleat had promised to make it a haven
But sadly despite how we shout
She’s stuck on own in the game park
No ele to chat with at all
They like socializing so why is that surprising
Longleat doss t answer the call
She needs a chum one of her own
Not two little goats
Use some nouse
ANne needs a friend
It drives her around the bend
Whose next on the list a wee mouse?
Ele’s need ele’scompany who
They can converse with
Otherwise you
Longleat the lonely depression kicks in
And besides all that moneyf
Things are wearing thin
She needs help snd assistance
Some friends in her yard
Not human piped music
For ANNE its too hard
So back to neglect
Stuck by her self
Breathing in fumes
Very much on the shelf
Send her to france
Send her to where
She can be loved
By the humans who care