What are we doing to our planet?

The Salish Sea
Where ere that be
Southern Resident Orca’s they
Live there perfect surroundings No
But man is clever so they say

Morality do we embrace
Whats right and whats wrong
All over the place
Unchallengable and justified
Well merited and not denied

Unrighteousness and improbity
Iniquitous and discriminatory
Load the scales
And discriminate
And care for nothing
Whatever state

We over fish
Without a care
If we are earning
There is always spare
Our irreverence second to none
And we are the reason why it is done

A toxic soup
That is the sea
Packed full of drugs
Yes now they be
Opoids Prozac lipitone
Cocaine and crystal meth
All known

The Orcas have to live and try
To make ends meet
But many die
Sevety percent miscarry now
Less oxygen
Thats it and how

Less chinnock salmon
The Salish Sea
Stands for despair
And we keep on fishing
We loot the place
Organic pollutants
Its a disgrace

Fossile fuels
Oil slicks and more
In every way we break the law
Plastics,fire retardents we
And ofcourse Methyl mercury
What chance have such sensitive souls
To sxist here
Carrying out their roles.
the orca’s are dying one by one
The salmon are leaving
They are on the run
The water is warming
To overdrive
But nothing alive can now survive


About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Ocean, Orca's and Dolphins. Bookmark the permalink.

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