Whats behind it
They had motive
There were profits by the score
It was light and therefore adaptable
Like nothing else before
It ticked a lot of boxes
Manufacturing cost
Economically speaking
Was good and so we lost
Our senses really in the pursuit
Of profit
Caution wasnt shown and those involved
Were ignorant of the environmentsl problems
And now ofcourse insurmountably its solved
With Mountains of it in our precious land fill
Our oceans scream, dead zones are everywhere
A by product of petroleum is stifling all life
And causing as we see such huge despair
Carbon-carbon bonds break down so slowly
Polypropylene is everywhere
Organisms have never come across them
The environment had nothing to compare
We have made our beds and now we have to lie on them
Thousands of years and still they are intact
Injuriousness the plague is really rampant
Living souls are hoodwinked as we see
Cetaceans are consuming it and dying
As dead zones now frequent and fill the sea
The fish we eat are loaded with such woefulness
The calamity is increasing by the day
The plastic manufacturers were never ever visionaries
For Their arrogance above all else, we pay
It is a dirty business making plastics
And those that do it must be made to pay
In many ways we all were overdaring
We failed to see the treachery in play
We never had the warnings that we should have had
Science had been infiltrated by
The corporate world of doing what they wanted
We all became the victims on a lie
Plastic has to last but must it be a thousand years
A maximum of one year might have saved some of our tears
But as it is there are no organisms that can eat
The carbon carbon bonds and so this factor has us beat
The dash for profit sees all ethic stifled
Challenging the corporates wont do
They are in defiance and are brazen
Belligerent and bellicose yes too
There is no such thing today as reciprocity
Their aggressiveness and pugnacity shows through
The planet is now suffering and constantly
The plastic scourge is maligning all we do