Hvalur 9 bringing fin whales back to port

Live streaming is now happening
In Iceland today
The Hvalur 9 has just come back
Having caught two whales
The way
Ahead apparently
Is Iceland wants to whale
They believe its worth the effort
Though to me its beyond the pale

They have two largish Fin whales
Endangered Sadly so
These whales will not be eaten here
But Japan Takes them we know
The Minke is the chosen whale
In Iceland but to see
Such carnage really from the blue
Where is their humility?

Whale watching is a tourist thing
It makes sense afterall
Why kill endangered species
We must ask ourselves whose call
Is it to risk tourism
Just to please Japan
And watching them destroying life
Brings to mind a ban

Despite the IWC and the world thinking
Iceland has a quota for this year
191 Fin whales in the offing
Which if it happens really theres a fear
That more and more will be killed
Each year and quotas
Will increase and its really
For Japan
Iceland risks whale watching
And its tourist trade
In real terms how can this be
A good plan?

Iceland eats far less perhaps
The Minke
Its the tourists eating whale
These days alas
More and more icelanders are put off
By eating whale
And many more believe really
Its crass
Japan apparently sits in a time warp
Unconscious to the world view
It believes
Its always hunted whales
And wants to eat them
And what it wants it does
And that achieves

Its ends
It doesn’t feel its being mercenary
Morality in this context will not do
We are the abomination for questioning
Their honour
They don’t feel guilt nor shame
And thats their view
No such thing as improbity
Its just what they do
They despise the countries
Who wont hunt whales
And they seem clueless to

The resentment and infact
The indignation
And manage to encourage whalers who
Help them with their hunting
And Norway and Iceland both appear
To violate the ethic
Which They do

For us they lack compassion
Eco suicide
its not within their gambit
They are not prepared to ride
On that wave to oblivion
To reach their paradise
Their pitilessness is powering
And for them it does suffice

Without boycotts
That are meaningful
I dont believe that they
Will ever change tack on this
There is no judgement day
They have a different set of rules
They are callous and quite hard
The east is the east and the west is the west
Pray Listen to the bard

Thanks Sea Shepherd for the livestream

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Whales and Sea Shepherd. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Hvalur 9 bringing fin whales back to port

  1. Kerrie says:

    Very well said Rex. Humanity in my opinion is inherently stupid – but have the capacity of being far more intelligent. We as a species have a long way to go before we become symbiotic with nature and ALL the creatures we share this planet with. By the time this occurs on the evolutionary time scale we may have already decimated ourselves into extinction, together with most of the creatures and plants on the planet. Perhaps this is natural evolutionary progression destined to any ‘Goldilocks’ planet in the cosmos. If inter-planetary or other solar system exploration is neither feasible nor possible due to so many variable constraints, then we as humanity must ensure as the current caretakers of the Earth, we take our responsibility for our planet seriously and help preserve all the creatures and plant life we have been given to share on this unique blue world in the cosmos. If all life on Earth is to survive, we must show Gaia we are far more than just mere star stuff – and that we are truly the children of the Universe.

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