Government funded tall mesh barriers
Right down to the ground
Said to keep wild dogs out
But also what has been found
Is that Emu’s and the Kangaroo’s
Are being murdered too
Falling foul of the fences
And dying it is true
Interrupting migrations
Causing immense pain
Mothers with their joeys
Really such disdain
Really ugly conduct
Such wretched injury
Stopping them get their water
And food apparently
They say they were wild dog fences
But clearly are so much more
And some farmers are hiring shooters
To come and shoot the poor
Injured and just tangled souls
Its awful to witness this
Farmers really low life cruel
Who are taking the piss
With our iconic wild life
Emu’s and kangaroo’s
And then some of them poisoned
With urea such bad news
Farmers are a cruel bunch
Heartless through and through
And seeing females with a belly full of shot
Ask why they do
Sink so low and want to show their wickedness
Broken legs their joeys hanging
Was that a reward
For life for the life so gifted
By creation to be killed
It is shameful and outrageous
That all this blood is spilled
And shooters tell me what they see
Turns their stomachs, they
Go about shooting these roos
And still to me they say
Those farmers who do this sort of thing
Are insults to the soul
Insidious creeps troublous
And so Out of control
With the shootimgs for the meat trade
With the poisoning that we see
Killing done for leather and for shoes
The industry
Taking such advantage of a wild soul
In their prime
And slaughtering the females and their joeys
Low life slime!
And the government supporting them
And the farmers too
Putting their own bloody fences
So nothing can get through
What a horrendous death that is
Hanging in mid air
Cooking from the inside out
Mothers so aware
That their joeys are expiring
And creation is sickened too
Karma it is building up and Australia must view
Its evil very seriously
These are totems afterall
To disrespect ones elders
Ofcourse it does appal.