Unbelievable exploitation
A waking nightmare they
Anguish angst and agony
For them its everyday
Everyones a martyr
Thanks to egg farms that
Fail these chickens hourly
Damnation is where they are at
In cages crammed and helpless
Their mournfulness their gloom
Totally disconcerted
Its like a writhing tomb
Existing in deep faeces
And urine it is where
Now they wait for death to come
Heavy-laden with despair
Egg laying hens
This prison this concentration camp
Of evil seen by few of you
Grieving in the damp
Humiliated constantly
They wince they writhe they flinch
Maggot ridden manure
Begging for an inch
More in which to live in
The loathsomeness they feel
Friction chafing feather loss
This tragically is real
Egg consumption do the humans realise
The pain
That chickens locked away in houses
Suffer, its insane
Complicit really in all of this
Are consumers who must buy
Into all the battery eggs
We have to ask now why
The films are out there
The wickedness is obvious to see
This is never farming
Its amorality
The farmers should be locked up for this
Not the animals rights brigade
Who investigate these horrors
And sometimes even raid
And expose those now transgressing
Every single code
Refusing to recant what they are doing
Down the road
PEta makes it known to us
We see it everyday
Filling in petitions
Feeling the dismay
Abstaining from an industry
Thats is evil through and through
But actually is being sustained
By people maybe like you
Ignorant of the circumstances
Who rather would turn away
Go and buy the battery eggs
And have nothing to say
And so just be complicit
In the cruelty out there
Just make up excuses
Saying you are not aware.
Go vegan stop buying into industrial egg production
Cakes biscuits and all sorts of fast foods involving eggs
Dont eat eggs in restaurants be caring of these poor unfortunate birds