Anne believes that surveillance
Is upsetting her a lot
She’s aware eyes are upon her
And really this is not
In the spirit of her wildness
Its spying after all
Some might call it voyeurism
And it does it does appal

And it seems from every angle
She perceives this now to be
She’s lost her privacy
That was what true wildness meant
To escape and walk away
To not be seen by the evil eyes
That upset her everyday

And what do these so called observers
They think perhaps they see
Something possibly negative
When she wants to be
Her ownself resting waking
Getting up perhaps in pain
She doesnt need this scrutiny
For her it feels insane

But she knows as a sentient being
That all eyes are on her
Being followed around all day
Really if they were
It would change their habits
For the thought is always there
And she is no exception
Its just not bloody fair

Its like an open prison
her crime though was to be
an elephant a pachyderm
Who was supposedly
Wild like the great wind that blows
But ofcourse it was not to be
And Longleat was the mindset
Of the same mentality

Animals in prisons
and in cages locked Way
Where human beings could infiltrate
And gawp at them all day
Recording every movement
And assert how they may feel
In contravention of wild rights
Of protest or appeal

Its a Machiavellian ideology
Two faced and double dealing
With 40000 muscles in her trunk
Its so revealing
Its sanctimonious rubbish
To tamper with her mind
Perhaps to bear false witness
And it begins to grind

Her spirit down no let up
Everything she does
Is watched and probably written down
She doesnt get a buzz
Infact it really gets to her
Its insidious and wrong
And strategies may be formed from it
Which actually dont belong

All the so called experts
The therapists who come
Wild animals dont need head cases
And according to Anne now some
Of them ought to be locked away
And I can understand
What she needs are ele friends
Not the shit that they have planned.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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