An elephant never forgets
We all know that is true
So 6000 days she’s been all alone
No one to speak to
Elephants are social creatures
Family is their thing
Respect for one another
That is what they bring
To get out of the clutches of the circus
That was good
Into s sort of open zoo
Honestly that would have helped
To get her stronger
But then again longleat
Was the brainchild of another
Circus one of the elite
And what she needs is company
And old girl needs to be
In touch with other elephants
For her health that is key
Suffering with arthritis
The need is to be sure
Others that understand and help
Are really what will score
Human osteopaths are not the same
As elephants who
Talk the talk and walk the walk
And do what ele’s do
Loneliness is emphatically denying
A true state
The assertiveness of wildness
Is and will be great
Abandoned lonesome solitary
Creates a shakiness
A frailty of purpose
And a build up of stress
Dormancy breeds apathy
And good reason really to
Get moving on the transfer
Out to France for it will do
So much for our Anne
A new lease if you will
Not a circus not a open zoo
But a sanctuary to fill
Her every hour with joy again
A warranty of sorts
And the likelihood of happiness
Washing through her thoughts