The fighting men are likened to the termites
That we see
Scurrying about their world
With such legitimacy
Enacting all the regulations
Following the laws
Riding down the valley path
And hearing the applause
Enchanted by the lilac waves
Of mountains all around
Who mystically envelop clouds
Where deities abound
Witness to the aging stones
That crumble and can fall
Each avalanche can test the nerve
Of perhaps them all
The emptiness exhibits
Each enigmatic sphere
There was no intimidation
Everything seemed clear
Perhaps the heebie jeebies
The panic driven hordes
Both marvellous and fabulous
And worthy of rewards
An offer thats beyond reproach
Where concilliation rules
We had expected a party
Frequented by fools
Opposed to using the mind and heart
To capture and to bring
Reinforcements to the soul
To pucker the heartstring
Choice and determination
A collage in the sky
An unfolding revelation
Whose incarnation high
Conceptualizes insight
And tranquillity
The soldiers on their thoro breds
Both fanciful and free.