Of Nature
Of soils and of need
Seem to go out the window
When it comes down to feed
The people thats when ofcourse
Genetics is played
Thats the card of the moment
Where profits are laid
Fairly and squarely
Into the ring
Pearls of the earth
The familiar ring
Of money and purpose
And making it flow
Among poorer nations
That still have to grow
To develop technologies
Favouring those
Who want to make money
And everyone knows
Splicing the genomes
Is big business and now
The likes of Monsanto
Have showed us all how
In Ethiopia lentils are eaten
They represent value
Alongside the wheaten
Flat breads of old
Nutritious and good
But growing them
Really is not how they should
Rust was a problem for farmers
We hear
They could lose half their crops
In any one year
And so BASF came up with the plan
To genetically modify
So they began
In Gimbichu to use this
Clear field strain
It grows like the clappers
Its called el amain
It isnt susceptible
to damp and so
It high yielding properties
Is why they grow
One women Demekech Tekleyohannis
Started and she
Showed the new yellow lentil
Was good to be
And this lone women
Has manAged the crop
She now has a home
And we hear is the top
Grower around buying oxen
Is she
To help her plough
And much better she be
She says can a poor man buy a plane
Not at all
Which is why she is sure
That she is on the ball