I don’t have kids

I dont have kids
But if i did
Why on earth would I
Allow some greasy doctor
Inject them with
The lie

They tell you and its
Mighty bad
The sterols the hormones
The mercury they really think
We’ve had
Our brains removed Oh yea the moans

Its just Mutagenic crap
It just seems to wrap
Around their tiny bodies
Untested so they say
Our kids are being doctored
In a pretty lousy way

And no one seems to worry
And we feed them on such crap
Pesi’s pop up tarts fish fingers
Whose the biggest sap?
The kids the doctors
Or is it us
We believe all they say
Give us your arm
Just stay calm
It will blow you away

And the kids some are autistic
Well why wouldnt they be
These vaccines are really toxic
Its sad it feels to me
But its all about fertility
I pads to the fore
Weaponry to hit the sperm and the eggs
It is a war

But its
not coming from Russia
Its the illuminati breed
Eugenics thats the magic word
And it they succeed

Fear they have us fearful
Chem trails in the sky
Blanketing populations
Nano shit on high
And the birth rates are dropping
Home sexuals and transgenders
Same sex marriage we

Are seeing birth rates crumble
Its only the muslims who
Are breeding with their many wives
For that is what they do
Corruption really is everywhere
The lighting LED
Please believe me
With white light at night
And watching TV

People cannot sleep these days
Its full moon Every day
Everyone is suffering
Its the new world way
5 G it is coming surveiilance
GEorge Orwell set in motion
The thoughts
And the despair

Cut the trees down
Fit transmitters every 500 feet
Wifi 69 ghz thanks
to the elite

Glyphosate is everywhere
In the inuits blood they say
So what chance have our children got
On their diet everyday
Supermarket fodder
GM all the way
Loads of monsanto’s aspartame
To send them on their way

Big Pharma they are at it
Drugging us to the eyes
Bad advice from the medics
Is that a surprize
Children being sterilyzed
Lap tops on their laps
Glued to bloody computer games
And eyephones that just slaps

Their grey matter whats left of it
Perhaps to kingdom come
They cannot even eat a meal
Without proving how dumb
They are, eyes fixed on this or that
Or that or this or what
The micro wave technology
Is so much worse than pot

Their eyes their brains
Their sperm is being sizzled
Agenda 21 is up and running
And they pay

A hefty price for the gadgets
We buy them you best see
What we are letting big brother do
To our kids regrettably

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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