To be forgotten as we are
Lost souls in a soup
Of outback mediaocrity
Kept out of the loop
No communication
Left to rot and die
Each of us has one vote
But someone tell me why
I would put my cross by your name
When you never care for me
You gave me years of violence
Your shadows yes I See
Equal rights you promised
And then took them away
We heard the words of wisdom
And we witnessed the decay
You plied us with your alcohol
Our spirits deadened fast
Overwhelmed our very soul
The drama of the past
Caught up and fairly swallowed
Drenched us all again
Weakened us our broken hearts
Beat still but invain
Our culture and tradition
Our nomadic way to be
You wrenched it from our very souls
We lost our place and we
Have never ever found the footprint
That we trod before
We never can forgive you
And for us less isn’t more