Live exports from Australia

Animal welfare is key so I read
To the great MIA but do they succeed
In giving the public the confidence to
Agree that Live Exports
Is all the way through

To the destination
Wherever that be
Is all above board
But all I can see
Is its anything but
And has never been so
The sheep are the victims
And Sadly they know

Dealing in death
Is not the pride and joy
Of a business
That actually tries to employ
Programs and initiatives
addressing concerns
Who is reponsible
when the sheep burns?

A leader improving their well being please
Cattle and sheep and goats
Have to squeeze
When investments and tools
and knowledge
I see
AUstralian Farmers
are as mean as can be

You focus on livestock
On management too
Handling quality
Its all seen through
On the farm at the feedlots
The framework is good
You blow your own trumpets
And the system it should

Cater it should
But it doesnt at all
Despite all the acts
No ones on the ball!
There is no high level
Of welfare its poor
Live exports perverse
Of that I ‘m now sure

Government Dept’s
who the hell are they
Guidelines for red meat and the animals pay
The industries proud
Ask the animals they
Are suffering torture
And death on the way

Feed they dont get any
Water as well
All packed together in the ships
Of HEll
Your assurance programs maintain quality
I am sorry Australia all I can see

When the contracts are signed
And in transit they be
You are rubbing your hands
With the ultimate glee
And this doesn’t help victims
the horror is there
As they all crush each other
In the holds of despair

Trying to breathe
Stuck in their own mess
And you a world leader
Your words are less
Australian standards
A journey of joy
Over hell and high water
All you employ

A journey to where
The hot sands do blow
Where their throats are then slit
And where none of you know
The hell hole of happening
The lies lie with you
Live exports are wicked
And corrupt what you do

Live exports must end
Its my frantic desire
That these animal
Just have to perspire
In the holds of these vessels
Frightened to bits
Look into their eyes
They are out of their wits

They know where they are going
And what is to be
Their throats to be slit
In the street yea maybe
Stuffed into parked cars
Its the middle east way
And shipped through the heat and the dust
Of the day
Perhaps a blunt knife
Will saw through their throat
And they drown in the blood
So Unworthy of note

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Australia and the epic journeys, Calves and Cows and Bulls, goats, Lambs and Sheep. Bookmark the permalink.

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