Wild animals are essential
To this planet
They contribute so much
And need to be
Honoured for the work they do
In actuality
Front line having substance
By their very nature
They are able
To maintain the balance
That creation saw
Instinctive knowledge
Fills their every moment
They are Natures children
To be sure
They really are the embodiment
Of everything
The lifeblood and the spirit and the mind
They are the wholeness
Working with the mother
environment dependant
The aboriginie has also
The environment
In much the same way
Working with the animals
Out there in the open
Each adopts a kinship
And does play
Their part in creation
Their connection it is there
Relevant and logical
Answering to Nature
They like to share
BUt Those who live in cities
Far away
Have lost or probably never even
That they impact the planet
Too each day
And they do it
In a multifarious order
Intrusive and untimely
And what they do
Is take and rarely give back
Creating a disparity
An imbalance becomes true
Traders seek to add to the equation
Their wish to profit for the imbalance they
Cause to the environment
And this is where it all goes wrong
Hunting shooting killing
Is no way
Predation kept the order
Prey animals kept it too
Man comes along and changes things
Regardless to whats true
he domesticates and farms
To create food stocks
But he
Also hunts the predators
And prey animals that be
He also makes a trade of killing
Thousands of kangaroo’s
Their absoluteness ruined
Which cannot be good news
Everything is connected
Creation saw to that
The flora and the fauna
The animals all sat
Somewhere in the middle
They all lived mindfully
It was man that threw his spanner in the works
And illogicality
Happened swathes of the environment
Altered lost the green
element prey animals predation
That had been
Instinctively created
To balance and attain
Was ruined by mans ignorance
For his financial gain
RE Wilding became important
The meat trade tragically
Had discriminated wildly
And we saw disharmony
Shooting Kangaroos
For meat and leather
Had to be
extraordinarly stupid
Bordering on insanity
Australia’s stark temperatures
Are causing stress and pain
The outback where the roo’s live
The heat there is a bane
There really are no seasons
To speak about and so
The animals that live there
Really have to know
And they operate instinctively
As do the aboriginie
But city man has ignorance
Is OTT and some
Shooting kangaoo’s for profit
As they do each night
Is changing the face
Of the environment
wbich as we know is dumb
Creation the great mother
For 5O,000 years or more
Has worked out what is feasible
And practical and sure
Balancing the trees and grasses
With predation and with prey
But city man unfortunately
Blows all that away
The roo’s they are iconic
Miracles of creation
Wasting them in spotlights
Is imbalancing the nation
Creating arid deserts
Divergence and abnormality
Disorder and haphazardness
Formlessness we see
Biting the hsnd
That fed us
Turning nature on its head
Contrary to the natural order
Really which has led
Us down the slippery path to hell
To inconsistency
to antagonistic opposites
Where no one wants to be
The Meat Trade is an anathema
A scourge on life today
It makes for a wealthy demi gods
All Along the way
But everything is suffering
The creatures of the field
The fauna and flora
Destroyed to increase yield
Already the outbacks suffering
The heat is hard to bear
The wild souls live with massive stress
But the Meat Trade doesnt care
Its care revolves around money
And the balance sheet and they
Are imbalancing the enviroment
That we all share here today
Leave the wild souls well alone
Stop killing Kangaroo’s
And Australia will feel greater
And look greater so good news
50,000 years its operated to the fore
And only since the white man
Started fucking it up for sure
Did Australia begin to lose its way
And start to crumble everywhere
The peoples health is shocking
The country is at war
WitH its animals with its its indigenous
Its environments we see
The barrier reef now dying too
And it doesnt have to be
Fracking and coal mining
The adani business we
Should take some steps back
Use our brains
And stop this infamy
In 250 years we have fucked up
In every way
And we better think rewilding
Or the price that we shall pay
Will be total devastation
Our land ruined and it might
Not just be the kangaroos
That assassins kill each night
Maybe they will be after us
Destruction everywhere
A Pollution revolution
No clean water and no fresh air
Outside of the cities
Desert nothing more
The animals all killed for meat
In what was a brutal war.