Dreamtime and the thinking of the great mother

Sixty thousands years
An undeniable epoch
Which fundamentally
Took in so much dreamtime
Absolute were we
Grounded in our country
Where we shall always be

We came into our being
We saw the light of day
Undying and immortal
The spirit was our way
Solidity so tangible
A phenomenal journey we
Became the very backbone
Of our actual constancy

We all lived as one family
Our knowledge was our own
Our universe external
Its where we had grown
Bathing in the sunlight
Swimming in the sea
Instilled in the forests
We fortuitously

Shared our mass connectedness
Our kinship was our base
Each has the identity
The tautology of grace
The oldest longest culture
Thriving as we do
A journey to the stars and back
And down the ages too

Each parable was honest
Intricate and sure
Standing Naked in the sun
On rich red earth we bore
Our true ancestral image
Societies all here
Creativeness was honourable
An archetypal fear

The cave the art the knowledge
Painted long ago
Hoping to communicate
To join the age old flow
Kangaroos and serpents
And chipmonks of a size
Diprotodons amassing
In their minds and in their eyes

Unparalleled unequalled
Life spent on the land
In touch with ancestors
Spirited and grand
Understanding nature
Knowing how to be
Commanding of authority
And walk alone and free

A simpleness unblemished
Symbiosis where
Cohesion and tenacity
Our union did share
A wholeness an integrity
Inseperable were we
Everything was harmony
And totality

Infinity was boundless
Timelessness was too
The primitiveness of being
Was always wholly true
Powers of thought and reasoning
Consciousness we knew
Our deliberations
Were speculative all through

Everything revolved around the family
Conviction and persuasion was our guide
Likemindedness among us
Brought a mutual understanding
Culture in its visual arts we hide
Proficiency and mastery so evident
Stories an art language to us all
An insight of ancestors and lifes patterns
A wisdom that was truthfully on call

Our rights to own the actual
Land we walked on
Taken from us threatening our soul
Our children also stolen from our clutches
Put into your boarding schools
You stole
Our babies split our families
A generation lost
Empty words the bunkum and baloney
Fatuous and incoherent
And the cost

Uncertainty adversity and misery
For all
The angst we felt as parents
It really did appal
The disruption and the hurtfulness
The bitterness the pain
The missionaries of conscience
And some were insane

Mangled minds and tainted spirits
Lamentable and lame
Our innocent babies given to these monsters
Without blame
Malignant and unhealthy
Violated so
Angels of the outback
Matreated as they did grow

How we have suffered immeasurably
By the white mans tongue
Stolen lands polluted lakes
Uranium now hung
Up on drugs and alcohol
The burdonsome the grave
Damned we were for our innocence
With nobody to save

The incredible biodiversity
Of our land at Kakadu
The wilderness of wonderment
Where every dream came true
Wildness our perfection
Your malignancy of spite
You stole our souls you bastards
Everything was far fron right

About your treatment of us
Which is still now today
We are the imposition
The burden of your day
We have adapability
And wordly wisdom too
The outback our breadbasket
Pliant and so true

Respect is sadly lacking
Our exclusion shouldnt be
In the wilderness we are unequalled
As you should now agree
Nothing really phases us
Our susceptibility
To unfairness and obtuseness
And inscrutability

Our bodies have fire of the sun
And darkness of the night
We have suffered through the ages
The anguish and the blight
So much exasperation
As we witness darkly showers
Watching the landscape suffer
And hours and hours and hours
Of the great Roos
Taken hostage
And murdered in the light
The ludicrousness of their killings
How can that be right

They have all lived at our shoulder
For thousands of long years
Long before you white folk came
Long before the tears
Wetted our old mothers faces
With your craven hearted lies
Your rashness and indifference
And the bluster you devise

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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