
The clang of the gate
And the dusty old way
Through the gleam of the trees
And their spangled display
Atop of the hill looking
Across to the sky
Over Chipping Norton
Where the bright fire and eye

Stare back at the robed ones
The procession of friends
Belo-tenia the fires of belos
The bright one that sends
Summer and light up into the sky
And all note the hawthorn
Whose blossoms are why

A wealth of serenity
And its heady scent
That sits in the hedgerows
And clearly is bent
On its great scintillation
Of blossom and thorn
Of new life and really being glad
To be born

Rollrights resplendent
In ancient regard
With the light on the stones
That have withstood the hard
The soft and the wet
And have weathered the storm
Having soaked up the auras
And do now transform
ancient to modern
In so many ways
As we form our circle
And Just feel the blaze

The dynamic interplay
The cycles we know
The light and the dark
And the ultimate glow
There the glorious maypole
Its ribbons do fly
The dancing is joyous
And we all know why
The land its fertility
Blossoming fast
So many green shades
As the magic is cast

The ritual is open
And all may attend
Zakoor is present
Our poetry friend
He stoops at the feet of Bragi by name
And summons ancestors
To come join the game
To observe and enjoy
The diadems sweet
The cake and the fruit
And the mead
All complete

A mark of respect
To a season the ploy
Once again the veil thins
And a portal of joy
Opens and ushers and within our sight
the landscape is happy
infused with bright light
Diadems thrusting
Buds kind of busting
Adjusting entrusting
Each robust dusting
Of pollen and perfume
It swells and its builds
And heightens perceptions
Drawn from the green fields

Cherry blosson
Bridal fae
Sweetest blossom of the day
May a wealth of soft serene
Bursting from a thorny green
Jasmines faery tresses soft
Firery spangles sit aloft
Rosemary’s delicate lilac showers
Like gossamer ladies butter flowers
All the greens around we see
Engage with spirit earnestly
Candy for the eyes of man
In the grove where all of life began

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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11 Responses to Beltaine

  1. veronica says:

    Another gem xx

  2. Damon says:

    Wonderful, I thoroughly enjoyed reading that.

  3. Lone Wolf says:

    Beautiful as always brother ❤️

  4. Kimberly says:

    I love you Rex

  5. Kimberly says:

    I love you Rex ad your beautiful poems. You should publish a book.

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