As human beings we Have got to feel
Before naming animals
Because they are real
They have understanding
And names mean so much
So they have to be relevant
And not out of touch
Often men call dogs
By very butch names
Aggressive and violent
Which creates and blames
Animals really affecting their soul
Giving them a persona
Outside their control
A certain Black Panther
Was Called Diablo
It was uncomfortable
Its demonic flow
Struck a dark chord
For the Panther could feel
The negative influence
It felt so real
Sure he was big
His black fur was intense
He looked very frightening
Something he could sense
Others could see in him
But deep down inside
He felt much more positive
And in his stride
He wasnt ungodly
He wasnt depraved
Nor morally weak
With no need to be saved
Names that mean something
To humans can cloud
The feelings of animals
Lost in that shroud
Of ignorance really
We give souls a name
That can affect their psyche
And this Panther came
To realise truthfully
That Diablo made
Him feel so uncomfortable
And it had played
On his aura he was at odds
With those humans who
Thought it matched him
So clueless too
His true conviction
For desperately he
Wanted respect not fear
A whisperer someone
Who could so ascertain
The ways of the heart
Who could hear his refrain
Not wanting to live up to
Such disregard
Who had his integrity
And felt it hard
He had thought Spirit
Would feel better and
Honour his character
And understand
It still was profound
It was moral and strong
And he would feel better
Had he all along
Been given that name
No remorse and no shame
No misdoing or sinning
And never blame
He could live in the moment
Not be pilloried by
A self seeking owner
Trying to apply
Some confidence some strength
Even some fear
In the hearts of others
And that felt clear
But it so affected his sensitive
Took so much out of him
And did control
His thoughts and his way of life
And his attitude
When there was no need
Still with a darkened mood
He lamented inside himself
Wanting so much
For a name not the blame
And Spirit as such
Gave him that honour
That morality
It helped his consciousness
That others would see
He would be worthy
And principled too
And not then be judged
Which he had been all through
Dear Eileen thanks for reminding me of this
And allowing me to draw it back to write my thoughts tonight
The Panther by the way was the first of the felines introduced
To this planet and SPIRIT if you like was one of the old souls